Curiosity Assessment

Is curiosity naturally occurring in you?

1. I wonder about things.

2. I regularly consume information, podcasts, books, and online content that matters.

3. I’ve changed a major way of thinking in the last five years (in my spiritual life, in relationships, in work, or in another significant area).

4. I sometimes listen so deeply that I don’t think about what to say next.

5. I leave parties knowing more about others (than others know about me).

6. I enjoy new experiences.

7. When I am challenged, I try to figure out what to do differently.

8. I say, “I don’t know” instead of giving my best answer if I don’t know the answer.

9. I have kept my childhood wonder.

10. I self-identify as a curious person.

Is curiosity a habit?

1. I add new authors, podcasts, and other content to my library of information.

2. I am learning/experiencing a new skill such as web design, painting, or running.

3. In the last year, I signed up for an event I have never done such as a triathlon, cooking class, or therapy.

4. I make time to think and wonder.

5. I travel to new places.

6. I take time to slow down.

7. I’m excited to share what I learn with others.

8. I find activities and opportunities to get out of my comfort zone.

9. My schedule has blocks of time dedicated to study and understanding.

Does curiosity inform decisions and actions in your life?

1. I change directions in my work.

2. I don’t pressure myself to get it right the first time and value a process of improvement.

3. I gather information then make a decision and/or implement what I learned.

4. People close to me (partner, kids, boss, co-workers, etc.) are sometimes frustrated that I switch gears so often.

5. I value other fields of study outside of my own career path or discipline to better inform my own.

6. My business, work, and relationships are better because I gather information.

7. I’m not always sure if the information I gather will be helpful.

8. I enjoy trying new things and having new experiences.

Outsiders Approach Assessment

Is Outsider Approach naturally occurring in you?

1. I regularly think about how to improve systems of government, workplace, or my home.

2. I rarely accept something the first time.

3. When something is mainstream, I avoid it at first.

4. I was not popular in school.

5. Life feels harder than it should be.

6. In a social situation, I notice people that don’t fit in.

7. In meetings, I tend to question assumptions more than others.

8. The world needs some revamping socially, politically, or in the business world.

9. I see myself as having an Outsider Approach.

Is Outsider Approach a habit?

1. When given a project or task, I brainstorm multiple solutions.

2. I assume I won’t get it right the first time.

3. Just because people approve of something, I don’t take it as the best way.

4. I look for unique books, podcasts, and entertainment.

5. Even if I don’t agree, I like to learn from quirky or different thinkers than myself.

6. People might call my thoughts “out-of-the-box.”

7. I don’t always follow directions well.

8. I think through better ways to do things like driving from here to there.

9. I’d say I’m able to think like an Outsider.

Does Outsider Approach inform decisions and actions in your life?

1. I work on things that challenge the way things are done.

2. I don’t attend events just because others are attending.

3. Supervisors did not always appreciate my out-of-the-box thinking.

4. My approaches are unconventional.

5. I try new things.

6. I act in a way that is grounded and unapologetic without hurting others.

7. I’m okay with most of my decisions.

8. I keep reinventing myself.

Move On It Assessment

Is Outsider Approach naturally occurring in you?

1. I have an easy time letting a project go live or launch even if it isn’t completed.

2. Speed is more important than accuracy most of the time.

3. I easily work through perfection.

4. I’m impulsive more than others around me.

5. I’d rather work quickly and go back and fix what’s wrong.

6. It takes a lot for me to feel anxious or worried about something.

7. I am a sensation-seeker.

8. I enjoy the process of updating and changing things to make them work better.

9. Friends say I act before I think.

10. I easily try things even if I might fail at them.

Is Moving on It thinking a habit?

1. I schedule time to take action.

2. I make action lists.

3. I easily break down larger tasks into steps.

4. I challenge my perfectionistic thinking through reading, podcasts, or therapy.

5. I visualize and plan out how I will do things before I do them, such as in a grocery store.

6. I analyze new ways of organizing and structuring tasks or organization.

7. Even when I am stressed, I am making a plan.

8. I think through plans and strategies better than my peers.

Does Moving on It inform decisions and actions in your life?

1. I can take action without all of the information.

2. I can fake my way through almost anything.

3. If I am too prepared, it gets in the way of my success.

4. I’ve tried something new and failed at it in the last month.

5. I take action quickly when I have an idea like texting someone, making a call, or following up.

6. I sometimes work so fast I make unnecessary mistakes, such as spelling on social media or emailing the wrong person.

7. I’m ready to relax when my workweek is complete.

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